BizTalk360 Support Portal Has A Fresh Look Now

Published on : Jun 9, 2016

Category : BizTalk360 Update

Mohan Nagaraj


BizTalk360 Support Feature ImageAs BizTalk360 is maturing, our support portal and product documentation turn out to be the wealth of product information. Thinking about this ahead of time, a couple of years back we launched a dedicated “BizTalk360 Support Portal” which became a one stop destination for all documentation and support needs. Today, after spending close to 1000 man hours of effort to document the new features implemented in v8.0 we needed to give a fresh coat of paint to the BizTalk360 support portal. It’s been a busy few months for our documentation and marketing team. In fact, starting 2016 one of our major decision was to give a unique branding theme for all our web resources. In this effort, we have revamped and released BizTalk360 website in February 2016. As a next step in-line to this process, we have revamped the Assist portal too! This means you get to see the same headers, footers and menu navigations similar to our website. Now we’re all set to launch the BizTalk v8.0 documentation with freshly coated Assist portal. Assist button Apart from UI changes, here are the few highlights of improvements we have made to the Assist Portal.


By default Assist will display articles related to the latest version available in the market, so if you’re worried about the previous version documentation – we will still have it! We have introduced the concept of versioning the articles in Assist, by this, you will be redirected to the respective product versions. You can now browse the documentation that’s written specifically for your BizTalk360 version (currently available for 7.10 and 8.0). BizTalk Support - Version Tab BizTalk Support Version Articles that have related earlier/latest version will have a version tab below the article title. You can easily switch between versions, read and compare features, and see what has changed from one release to another. Eventually, the articles for new features will not have this tab.


Now, with articles for multiple product versions available in the same portal, we had to make sure you experience the best means of seamless navigation between the articles. To ensure you are on the right track, we have embedded bread crumbs on your way. Breadcrumbs are placed in every article just above the article title, to take you back to the main folder of the particular version you’re browsing. You can also make use of the “More articles” link on the RHS of the screen so you know where you are, and what comes next. Breadcrums for BizTalk Support portalMore Articles Link in BizTalk Support Portal


In BizTalk360 v8.0 we have made a major restructuring to put various features under 3 major functionalities i.e. Operations, Monitoring and Analytics. Therefore, our documentation for v8.0 is also restructured to be aligned with the product. In addition to the core feature documentation, we have exhaustive documentation for Optional Extras, Licensing, and General Solutions. The Assist home page now shows all root topics under different functionalities. This way, you get to see the big picture of our entire knowledge base repository, with over 500 articles present across multiple categories. BizTalk Support Portal Home View


Let’s say, you are looking for a solution that is very specific and cannot figure the right path to it. Say you need to know about creating a new user? Just type it in the Search bar and get the instantaneous search results for the related keywords. Moreover, the results are automatically sorted by versions so you can choose the specific solution based on your relevance. BizTalk Support Portal Search Tab

Meet our support team

It takes a special kind of person to handle support requests every day. Meet the real faces with whom you interact to get your problems fixed in BizTalk360. Most of the time, you have no idea if you’re even going to reach a live person or you get an automated reply. We have added this section to the Assist portal so that next time when you get a reply for any of your tickets you can immediately relate to these faces. BizTalk Support Portal - Support team

Your feedbacks for BizTalk360 support portal

Can’t find anything related to your search? You can write your feedback to us through the Feedback portal link placed in the page footer. We’ll make sure you will have it soon. Also, you can write your ideas to improve BizTalk360 Operations & Administration capabilities and vote for the ideas shared by other users based on your likings. Hearing your opinion is the single most important thing that excites us. Feedback Link for BizTalk Support Portal

Kudos! What’s next?

We have invested heavily in our product documentation and support team to make our customers happy. We hope you will find the new changes refreshing and more productive to find the right solutions for your BizTalk360 needs. You can access BizTalk360 support portal via