I am
Sowmiya Gowri Subramanian and I have joined
BizTalk360 as a Fresher. They have recruited me as an Intern for QA team. Within few days of my joining, I got an opportunity to work in a release. In that release, I have gained knowledge about the product and work process with the help of my team.
BizTalk360 QA Team
I am very glad that I got an opportunity to work with QA team. Our team is very enthusiastic and they all work to fulfill their motto. Their motto is “
To Give a Quality Product to the Customer”. As a fresher, I don’t know about the process what they work with. By the end of this release, I got good knowledge about the process. My team members were very supportive and have experienced the real team work which finally leads to a successful release.
People in QA team whom I met was very friendly and hardworking. They were ready to transfer their knowledge. On seeing my team members, I can experience these words
“Tell Me I Forgot, teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”
– Benjamin Franklin.
They involved me in the release and I got a chance to learn things. Now, I have become a part of QA team and we work for BizTalk360.
My Experience Before Release
I have got to know many things during my first release and got knowledge of the product and have experienced the team work. On the First day, planning for the testing was done and we get to know about the new features by the development team through Knowledge Transfer sessions. On that Knowledge transfer, I was sitting with a little curiosity and an idea to gain some knowledge but my team members have started their work on that time itself by saying some technical changes to the development team in that session which was a stunning experience. From that day, onwards I came to know about their involvement and their knowledge in the product.
Next day, tasks have been assigned to everyone in the team. I was also assigned with some tasks and was scared that how am going to complete those tasks. But my team members were very supportive and they taught me each and every thing when I was struggling. It was a very good experience for me to explore and gain knowledge.
During testing, I was assigned with some tasks. Before starting the task, I have got knowledge about the product and as well as the process which I need to complete. After gaining the knowledge I have played with the product and experienced the knowledge which I got in KT. Finally, I have started my testing with the intention to find a bug and I have found the first bug. I have reported the bug to the development team. Then I was assigned with some more tasks.
UI Testing
I have done UI testing in Integration Accounts and BizTalk Server Availability. In UI testing, the tester should perform the test from the user perspective. I would like to share some of my experience while testing integration account. First, to validate whether the integration account tab is displayed under Azure Services section. If we hover the mouse on the integration account text it should be highlighted and tooltip should be displayed.

Then I verified when we click the tab, the color should be changed and then have verified some scenarios like spelling mistakes, whether the proper heading is displayed. Refresh icon, scroll bar, a divider is displayed. In the grid, if we click the eye icon of a row it should get highlighted and have checked whether the row count is matched.

Then I had verified those functionalities in different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer. From UI testing I have gained knowledge that “Software should be user-friendly”.
Functional Testing
In Functional testing, to check the functionality of each module. In Host Throttling, the testing is done by setting the conditions based on the requirement and observed whether it is working based on the configuration which I have set. The error/ warning is displayed if the set condition has met and if not it should display as Healthy.
Let me explain a scenario how I have performed host throttling testing. For ex, lets us say that if rate throttling persists more than 30 sec and thread count is more than 60 secs in publishing throttling, then it should notify me with warning/error information. Same way for delivery throttling thread count is more than 60 sec or any throttling is more than 30 sec it should notify with error/warning info.
Now I will say the steps how I have performed this scenario.First, I have created an alarm to monitor host throttling.

Then navigate to BizTalk environment section, click host throttling section. Select the host instance listed and click enable monitoring. Now host instance is monitored.

The edit icon in the grid view helps us to set the condition to monitor the throttling data and we can change the configured conditions based on our requirements.

By clicking the eye icon, we can view the monitor results of the host throttling.

In the monitoring dashboard, we can see the errors and warnings in a nice graphical way which will indicate the error/ warning based on the monitor result. If we click the node in the graph it will also display the error information. The same error info will be get notified in the email based on the configuration.

The trigger Email should contain the Errors/Warnings for the Host Throttling with respective Error/Warning messages.
Migration testing
In migration testing, the testing can be done by installing the previous version of BizTalk360 and migrated to the new version of BizTalk360. Then verify whether all the new features are included in the current version and working as expected without any issues. For Example, check whether the new feature host throttling is added when we upgrade from the old version.

The Older version of BizTalk360 will not have access to Host Throttling. When we upgrade to new version, Host throttling section should be added under BizTalk Environment.

Finally, I have done installer and regression testing. In regression testing, I have verified the existing functionality is working as expected without any breakage.
Installer Testing
In installer testing, I have installed BizTalk360 in various combinations and in various version of windows (windows 7,8, windows server 2008/2008 R2, windows server 2012/2012 R2, windows 8.1). To verify whether the MSI is getting installed in both windows authentication mode and SQL Authentication mode by giving correct credentials and wrong credentials. For Example, while installing if I give the wrong user name and password it should show the validation error.

Apart from the testing, I have gained knowledge about” JIRA Board”. I came to know how to access JIRA board and how to create a JIRA Ticket and assign the issues to the respective developer by specifying the priority of the Defect/bug will help them to proceed further. JIRA board is very useful to share the Defects to the development team.
My Focus
Now, my responsibility has been increased after the release. I need to fulfill the expectation which team has kept on me. So, my focus is to get the more knowledge about the product and the process.
“Follow One Course Until Success”