To make our users work most efficiently with BizTalk360, In BizTalk360 v10, we didn’t bring just a complete make-over of the user Interface but also, we have added another set of great features where users can easily get the benefit. Hence, BizTalk360 users can have a One stop product for BizTalk Server Operations, Monitoring, and Analytics.
In this webinar, we will mainly focus on the rich UI experience and how it will be making users work against the BizTalk environment even easier. We will also show case you the collection of new features that add value to the product. If you are looking for a consolidated product to monitor your BizTalk Server environment, perform BizTalk operations and get analytics from the environment, then this webinar is for you! The webinar will be handled in two sessions at the following timings:
Date: February 25,2021 Time: 10 AM & 5PM GMT
The webinar will be hosted by our CEO, Saravana Kumar who started his career with Microsoft BizTalk server and has years of experience in the area of BizTalk server and founded BizTalk360.
Do you want to join us at the webinar on February 25? Why wait! Registration is simple, just click here to register your details.
Also, if you think you cannot attend the webinar at the specified time, no worries! Go ahead and register, our team will make sure to send you the webinar recording.
We are looking forward to welcoming you during the webinar.