Release of

Published on : Apr 7, 2009

Category : BizTalk Server



blogdoc_300x200.png Version 2 of is live now, Currently there are 93 contributors and 761 articles in the site, many more in pipeline which will be added shortly in next few weeks. Majority of Version 2’s functionality is around the background processing of the site, which will allow me to efficiently add/manage articles and contributors. Also, I used this project as a learning curve for some of the new buzz words like LINQ, usage of System.ServiceModel.Syndication, REST (via WCF Rest Starter Kit), etc. There are some nice addition to the site, every contributor to blogDoc will get a unique URL, listing all of their contents currently presented in blogdoc. Examples List of all the contributors can be found in this URL .The “About” page will give more details about the site itself. I’m delighted to say the site was highlighted on BizTalk Developer center yesterday as “Featured Content” and “Top New” (Thanks to Susan Joly and Ed Hickey) image image blogdoc_125x125blogdoc_125x42.png I kindly request you to spread the word. Please write a blog post about availability of blogDoc. If you got some time please put a blogDoc sidebar widget  on your blog pointing to either or to your contributor profile if you are a contributor.   Nandri! Saravana